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- Written by: Dusty Reins
- Category: Places
- Hits: 6407
The Wheat Growers Hotel opened in 1890 in the tiny town of Kimball, Nebraska to serve passengers traveling on the first transcontinental railroad in the United States. It was considered a large structure at that time and known to serve wealthy travelers with a plush environment and service. The structure is not open to the general public currently as steps are being taken to restore the hotel as a registered historic landmark.
The Wheat Growers Hotel is a historic hotel located at 102 S. Oak St. in Kimball, Nebraska. It was built in 1918 in the Early Commercial style and was the largest hotel in Kimball at the time. The hotel was added to the NRHP on July 11, 2002.
The Wheat Growers Hotel has 86 rooms, two hallways on each floor, and all rooms have electricity, plumbing, and steam heating. The hotel also has a restaurant, ballroom, kitchen, and heating system that keeps the building comfortable in Nebraska storms.
The hotel is temporarily closed and is being renovated to become a historical tourist destination. The renovation plans include:
10 suites on the second floor
Restaurant, museum, gift shop, and coffee kiosk on the first floor
Ballroom and brewpub in the basement
Courtyard on the south side of the building
The video above is the first part of an attempt to explore the building and some of its stories and more segments appear on this page below.
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- Written by: Dusty Reins
- Category: Places
- Hits: 5091
The map below is a work in progress to highlight points of interest during my travels.
Categories include: Campsites, Rodeo Arenas, Events and Places
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- Written by: Dusty Reins
- Category: Places
- Hits: 3928
The cabin is just south of Circleville, Utah, on Highway 89. Admission is free and there is ample parking. I had no clue this place would be along my route and was thrilled to check it out. I didn't give many details in the video for such a short stop but I will provide some informational links below.
Do you know of another Old West landmark I should visit? Contact Us
Butch Cassidy Childhood Home | Google Maps
History of Butch Cassidy, LeRoy Parker
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- Written by: Dusty Reins
- Category: Places
- Hits: 8663
The American Heartlands cover most of the land region in the United States. People who live in large urban areas refer to it as "fly-over country" when you hear them talk about rural areas in the media. What if they could sit and watch videos about places, people, and communities, that they depend on, without a lot of slick production and hype?
Real unscripted people and events or tours of the local attractions, adventures, and natural areas are opportunities I seek as I explore The American Heartlands and share my findings with you!
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- Written by: Dusty Reins
- Category: Places
- Hits: 4582
I recently rediscovered a map I had created while researching the story of Amarillo's trolley car and street car system so this page is currently a placeholder for it until I find the time to reveal the rest of the story, Yes, if you know where to look... there are still signs of the system in Amarillo today.
I know I have some old trolley photos archived somewhere and I will keep looking. But, I did manage to find a couple of photos on the Amarillo Public Library website.
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