American Heartlands & Dusty Reins Stories
Crazy Horse Monument

American Heartlands The Heritage Preservation Project is an effort to document and preserve audio/visual recordings of contemporary life in the rural areas of the USA as an archival record to be used for education and research. The focus of interest will focus on People, Places, Events, Culture, and History.  


Oral History

If you would like to keep up to date on new Heritage Preservation videos, please like my Dusty Reins Video page on Facebook.

Individual Life History Interview

    A guided oral history interview guides an individual to tell their life story and experiences. Interviews are conducted under the guidelines of the Library of Congress. The interview along with all required paper documentation is submitted to the US Library of Congress for archival in the American Folklife Project.  Copies may also be requested to be archived at The Southwest Collection at Texas Tech University and/or The Research Center at Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum. One copy will be made available to the individual or family.



Individual/Group Topical Interview

      A guided oral interview that focuses on an individual's career, hobby, life event, business, military career, contributions to civic or church service, or a unique personal story. Military career interviews will be submitted under the guidelines of the Veteran's History Project, all others fall under the American Folklife project. Copies may also be requested to be archived at The Southwest Collection at Texas Tech University and/or The Research Center at Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum. One copy will be made available to the individual or family.



 Individual Memorial Service Preservation

     A recording is made of an individual's memorial service after death. One copy will be made available to the family. The recording will not normally be submitted to archival repositories.



Family Life History Roundtable

     A recording is made of family members talking about family life experiences in a roundtable format. One copy will be made available to the group. The recording will not normally be submitted to archival repositories.



Community History Roundtable 

A recording is made in a roundtable format.




Family Reunions

     A recording of family reunion activities both formal and informal. Some structured storytelling and oral history activities can be made available to individuals as well as family groups.



Historic Event Preservation

     Video documentation of events which have a special historical context such as the dedication of a building or monument or the commemoration of a historic event.





Company Heritage Preservation

     Documentation of a company history.


Church Heritage Preservation

     Documentation of a church history.

Structural Heritage Preservation

     Documentation of a historically important structure either before or after refurbishment, or both.



Cultural Preservation

     Documentation of a cultural or lifestyle story such as:

  • Life on a Ranch
  • Life on a Farm
  • The Cowboy Way
  • The Cowgirl Way
  • Equestrian Life
  • Rodeo Life
  • Living Through Tragedy
  • Wonder Women
  • Life Before Now
  • Life Today
  • Exploring Through Archaeology
  • The First Americans
  • .




 Please Contact Us if you would like to see me schedule a visit to your community to document people, places, events, culture, and history in your community!

NOTE: Some recorded content may be eligible to be featured on YouTube's Dusty Reins Stories or Rumble's American Heartlands as authorized by the participants.

Dusty Reins Schedule

You may see several events on the same day. I can only pick one to go next depending on where I was located during the prior event I attended. Fuel is expensive these days!