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- Written by: Dusty Reins
- Category: News
- Hits: 5123
NOTE: The documentary video below has been shadow-banned by YouTube! It was published on Nov. 2021 and has received more than 6 million views with no problem. It was put into a restricted status between 9 & 10 AM on Oct. 25, 2022, with no explanation.
This has been my most popular video (more than 6 million views) until it was put into a "Limited/Restricted" status. And yet they will never tell me what is in the video that caused the change in status. That is a lot like getting arrested and thrown into jail and fined without stating clearly what I did to get arrested. Who wants to live in a country where totalitarians punish people constantly while keeping us in the dark with no evidence of any wrongdoing?
That's why I am sick of constantly living in fear of getting punished. I am starting to publish videos on Rumble. There you will see the uncensored versions of what I publish on YouTube and Rumble-only content I hope you will join me over there where you can see videos that will never be published on YouTube. I created a video channel American Heartlands on Rumble so I can share what I really wanted you to see without fear of being punished for it.
They have not taken the video down so I guess I will have to promote it myself until they do. This is what they don't want you to see.
I have published the video on my Rumble channel American Heartlands and I hope to earn your support for my uncensored work with your views and a free subscription.
The only feedback I have from YouTube so far about this matter/ It is a screenshot I added the video title to in pink and highlighted the YouTube response in yellow. YouTube requires all creators to check all the boxes on an ESG compliance form. You can see what I checked off but a YouTube reviewer claims I should have checked the category in the yellow.
I would love to read your thoughts about this matter. Click through on one of the videos to go to the video page on YouTube or Rumble and leave your comments below the video.
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- Written by: Dusty Reins
- Category: News
- Hits: 4003
I have created a channel on Rumble named American Heartlands!
The new channel will mirror recent uploads to the popular channel Dusty Reins Stories on YouTube but will also feature videos that will never appear on YouTube unless they change their social scoring policies. I am calling the new Rumble channel American Heartlands. I realized all my videos past and future are likely to have been generated in rural locations west of the Mississippi. Perhaps I will travel east of the Mississippi River in the future if I get some good tips about where and when from viewers in that region of the American Heartlands.