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- Written by: Dusty Reins
- Category: Playlists
- Hits: 4045
The video playlist above contains 400+ bronc riding events documented at ranch rodeos and pro rodeos that include Ranch Broncs, Bareback Broncs, and Saddle Broncs. The newest videos appear at the top of the list with the oldest at the bottom. The competition in this event, as in most rodeo events, tends to have the best riders and performances appearing near the end of each event. So don't miss those great high-scoring rides!
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- Written by: Dusty Reins
- Category: Playlists
- Hits: 4287
I have embedded above a playlist of all the Steer Wrestling events I have documented so far from Pro Rodeos. When I have the time to review all the videos so far I intend to embed a few examples of the best competitions recorded so far.
If you would like to suggest some great rodeos that include Steer Wrestling, please Contact Us!
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- Written by: Dusty Reins
- Category: Playlists
- Hits: 4259
New tie-down roping videos are published on Tuesdays.
Tie-down Roping is one of the oldest traditional rodeo events in rodeo history. Videos documenting the action from jackpots and rodeos are on this playlist arranged from the most recent to the oldest.
This is a timed event similar to breakaway roping with penalties for breaking the barrier and improperly thrown loops, but the ropers do have to dismount and tie three legs together with a piggin string including both hind legs. The calf must remain tied for 6 seconds for a qualified run. The stopwatch is stopped when the piggin string has been tied and the competitor throws up both hands. The fastest times are generally within 7-9 seconds.
In addition to pro-rodeo events, I have documented several jackpot competitions including the Story Vest Memorial Roping, the Spicer Gripp Memorial Roping, and the Three Star Memorial Roping so far.
I am trying a bit harder to cover more of these events and I would love to receive your recommendations for roping jackpots in your area to add to my travel schedule shown below. Please Contact Us!
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- Written by: Dusty Reins
- Category: Playlists
- Hits: 7082
The Saints' Roost rodeo events are among the most watched videos on my Dusty Reins Stories YouTube channel. You can watch them all in chronological order (the newest is listed last) below just by clicking or tapping the play button. Some of the videos may have been censored by YouTube policies but you can find the uncensored versions of the more recent videos on my American Heartlands channel on Rumble. You will also be able to see them on YouTube by joining the Dusty Reins Stories Fan Club.
Saints' Roost Rodeo Playlist
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- Written by: Dusty Reins
- Category: Playlists
- Hits: 6098
The playlist below is a mixture of lectures, interviews, presentations, and interactive storytelling videos I have been able to document along with a few from other sources I think are helpful when exploring the rural regions of the USA.
Storytellers Playlist
Explore with me in the #AmericanHeartlands! If you would like to offer any suggestions then pass them along here: Contact Us